Wednesday, January 17, 2007


For the most part travel went well. There was only one slight baggage issue when leaving from London, but it wasn’t significant and in the end it all worked out.

I’ve now been in Nairobi for 6 days and things have been good.

I arrived last Thursday night and began my adventures soon after that. The executive director of Christian Mission Fellowship was visiting Keith (the guy that I’m living with) and on Friday they had planned to start the day early because they had a full day of visits to many parts of the city.

Since the previous Monday I had been averaging 3 hours of sleep per night so I figured another night without much sleep wouldn’t make that much difference. Because of all the time changes and jet lag I didn’t fall asleep until 2:30 a.m. and then I became wide awake at 4:30 a.m. And so with 2 hours of sleep…

Friday was a good day to get a good overview of some of the work that I will be involved with while I’m here in Nairobi. We visited four different slums and met with groups of people who had been trained in CHE Community Health Evangelism. These groups explained how they had assessed the needs in their community, made plans for meetings these needs, and explained how the progress was going thus far.

Saturday and Sunday were much needed days of rest, yet I still am very tired, and I am still getting my sleep schedule figured out.

On Monday I got my first matatu experience. Matatus are the most common form of transportation in Nairobi. They range in size from Toyota or VW van to mini-bus to full sized bus. Some are rather plain looking, others are gaudily painted; some are quiet, others blast very loud music; some have no indoor lighting, others brandish blacklights or even spinning lights; some continue moving, others break down on the road for 45 minutes and then continue on, only capable of making it up the hills by driving in first gear with the engine rapped (like my trip home on Tuesday).

In the future I will be updating my blog more often; however, right now internet access isn’t easily available so updates are less common.


At 1:45 PM, Blogger Celia said...

Sure glad to know you had a great trip and have arrived safely at your destination. Sounds like things are exciting already. You describe an interesting bus system. I'm praying for success with your mission.

Love, Mom

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Tom said...

Hey Caleb, I'm glad to hear your tavel's went well, it sounds fun! and I bet London by night was really neat. And those bus rides will give you great stories to tell (ha ha) Thanks for the update, this blog thing is a good way to communicate what's going on, technology is definetly good for somethings.
I think its great that you are doing this... the things you will learn about God and life, will bring you more joy and understanding about Him, "Blessed be the Lord"! Keep up the good work! and I'll be continuely praying for success on your mission. "And may the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, guard your heart and your mind, in Christ Jesus".
Take Care, Caleb

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Caleb, This is Charles, Colin's brother. You can reach me on 0733333572. Let's hook-up.

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

caleb, It's me susie. ^^
I finally visit your blog.
Take care caleb.
I'll visit here again.

At 6:01 PM, Blogger Holly Acton said...

Hey Caleb! How's Africa? Hope all is well with you...It's snowing here again (7th week in a row)! It's starting to get rather old...anyway...keeping you in my prayers! luv ya!


At 10:26 AM, Blogger garrett scott said...

Uncle Garrett says.

Caleb, I just read your blog of your Nairobi adventures. It sounds like you are very busy. I hope by now you are getting more rest and are getting oriented. I pray for your safety and mission work every day. I know what you are doing must be very difficult and also very rewarding. The jumping hare hunt sounded very exciting and a little scary. I can only imagine. You do a good job of describing the adventure. The traffic incident with the power truck and buses sounds like things there are rather bizarre. Our life here in Wichita is so easy and we take everything for granted. I am very proud of you!
I will continue to pray that God keeps you safe and blesses your mission work.



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