Thursday, March 08, 2007

I seem to be continually apologizing for not being very good at keeping everyone updated through my blog. And again I say I'm sorry. Life has been really hectic and internet access continues to be limited.

Things are going well. Last week I spent the majority of my time in front of the computer. A school in Mathare is implementing a new child sponsorship program and I was given the task of making the profiles of 400 new students. The children's information was collected by the social workers, then it was given to me to input into a database and then merged into individual profiles with pictures. It was an arduous process, but it is finally completed. We celebrated at the end of the week with some Nyama Choma (barbecued meats). We were celebrating the work being done and we were celebrating the lift of the ban on meats due to the Rift Valley fever. It was very nice to finally eat some meat rather than just beans and greens.

Exciting news! I am going to get to take a trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo in a couple of weeks! We are traveling to the DRC to hold a Community Health Evangelism training (CHE).

I am experiencing much and I am getting much experience; therefore, the internship is working out wonderfully!


At 11:02 PM, Blogger Celia said...

Hi, Sweetie!

We're been anxiously awaiting this blog report. I check everyday!
Sounds like you've been extremely busy, but what a worthy project. Have a great trip to the Congo.
What are you doing writing this at
4 a.m.?

Love, Mom

At 6:31 AM, Blogger Delma said...

Hello Caleb, I am sorry to admit that I hadn't read your letter very well and thought you weren't going until after the school year. You do write an interesting blog as I just read all of them. I imagine doing dail-up connecting by cell phone is a challenge! We will be praying for you. Delma (and Merle)


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