I had a little run in with a bee the other day. Last Saturday I decided to go for a walk. I decided to walk barefoot, which turned out to be a very bad idea because the street became very hot for the 80% of the walk that wasn’t in the shade. I returned after my one mile trek on hot, rock asphalt with blisters all over my feet. I’m a moron and I’ll never do it again! Yet that wasn’t the most exciting part of the walk.
I was the only person on the street except for a man who was a long distance ahead of me but was walking towards me. I wasn’t far from the house when I heard a loud buzzing right above my head. I kenw it was bees but I was sure they would fly on by…but they didn’t. I knew they were going to attack soon and I wanted to make the first move so I started swatting around my head. As soon as I started doing this two comedians instantly came into my head, Dane Cook, with his stand-up routine about the killer bees, and Brian Reagan with his routine about walking into a spider web or being chased by a bee. So as I’m trying to defend myself from these bees I’m also embarrassed because I know this guy ahead of me is thinking, “Hey, is that guy waving to me? Wait, what is he doing? He’s going crazy just flailing his arms in the air and spinning around and hitting his head!” In the meantime, NOOOOOO!!! as the first bee stings me on the right earlobe and I continue going crazy because the buzzing is still very loud around me. Finally it ends and I continue on my walk along the street. Soon I encountered the man who had witnessed the mayhem and he asked, “Are you having a problem?” I said, “Yeah, some bees were attacking me back there, but don’t worry, I punched every one of them in the face!”
Oh, my gosh! I keep telling you to avoid the AIDS and Malaria, and now I find out they have "killer" bees as well!
Love, Mom
Oh Caleb! You can even make getting attacked by killer bees funny!
I sympathize! We found out that those bees do not like motorcycles either. Steve was working on ours on day and rode it around the house, where a hive had moved in during the morning. Those critters chased him around the house and out the gate, stinging him multiple times on the head and face.
Stay safe!
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